Compound Interest Explained
It’s a powerful way to grow your money over time. So much so, Einstein described it as the eighth wonder of the world! How is it so powerful? You earn ‘interest on your…
Guide to Bonds
Bonds usually pay better than saving accounts and, as an investment, they are labeled 'lower-risk. They are a longer-term investment however it may be possible to shorten the term and get money back (either…
Guide to Investing
There are almost as many ways to invest as there are Instagram posts about it (1.4 million for #makemoney when we last checked). So, to make it simpler, we’re introducing you to the…
How ‘Risky’ is Investing?
You know all about taking risks. That blind date you agreed to, saying no to mobile phone insurance, leaving your London flat without an umbrella in your bag… But when it comes to…
How is Money Made?
Different investments make money in different ways. Here’s the lowdown… #1 Interest From Lending You lend your money to a bank, company or government and as a thank you they pay you interest.…
A Beginners Guide to Investing
There are almost as many ways to invest as there are Instagram posts about it (1.4 million for #makemoney when we last checked). So, to make it simpler, we’re introducing you to three…
Lending Your Money
Unlike lending your favourite jumper to your BFF, lending money – to a bank, company, government or even another person – is virtually guaranteed to come back to you with a better return…
Peer-to-Peer Lending
People are generally fed up with banks. For years, they’ve paid miserably low interest and at the same time are becoming stingy with their lending. Meanwhile, there are people that want to earn…
Best-Paying Cash ISAs
If you stash your money for a certain number of years in a Cash ISA you'll get a fixed rate of interest, tax-free. Here are Moxi's top three picks for 1,2 and 3 years. We…
Introduction to ISAs
ISA stands for Individual Savings Account. Simple right? There are ISAs for savings, first time home buyers, children and investment. Not so simple anymore. So let’s get serious, how many ISAs does one…