Mamas Mean Business

Sarah’s Story

Sarah was made redundant in 2016 during her maternity leave. Now, pregnant with her second child, she is defiantly launching her own interior design business SARAH TONGE LTD. Impressed? We were too. 

What was your motivation?

I always knew I wanted my own business. When I was made redundant it was the best time to seize the opportunity and make the most of my new found freedom. 

Freedom? Really?

Yes, because running a business means all decisions are your own including when and where you work. The flexibility with a young family is invaluable.

Sounds like you coped well with the redundancy…

In this instance the unexpected and unpleasant experience made me grow stronger, wiser and more determined. The process of setting up my own company has been an organic one; I decided on the name, registered the company and became VAT registered as soon as I could.

When did you launch?

In February this year when my daughter was 13 months old. The full launch will hopefully be in Spring 2018 after my second child is born.

How do you manage the business at the same time as being a mum? 

When my daughter was 12 months we started her at nursery and now she is there for most of the week which gives me time to focus on work. 

Do you plan on taking time off and away from the business once you’ve had number 2?

Inevitably there will be a crazy period of adjustment but I like to think that second time around the experience gained with the first will mean I can start back in the flow of work earlier.

What are the challenges? 

Getting my name out there is a big one. You can be the best designer in the world but if no one knows who you are or what you do you’re not going to get very far! 

Any tips for success?

Success for me is striking that elusive balance between passion, fulfilment and improving the quality of life both for myself, my family and of course my clients. To that end, I would advise that continued learning, listening to your clients and adapting to each project is key. On a more personal note, find a mode of working that suits you and doesn’t cause too much worry or stress and identify your company in a way that conveys the image and brand that you want people to see.

Does being a mum bring certain qualities to your work ? 

I'd say patience and kindness are qualities that are improved when you become a mother as well as becoming more determined to do well for your family. I have also met so many wonderful people since having my daughter that hopefully people would say I have become more approachable and fun! Yes, lets not forget the fun!

What is your message to new mums? 

Get out of the house with your baby or toddler and meet other parents. They bring so much fun, shared experiences and friendship at an otherwise tiring and often stressful time. 

What’s in store for the future…

Once Sarah Tonge Limited is more established I want to expand into an accessories and furniture collection. I also want it to be better known for interior architecture as well as interior design despite the fact I can offer this service now. I plan to find funding from an investor to help with this.  

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